
The Story of chcpc

  • In July 1917, the 3 church trustees, upon unanimous approval of the congregation, took out a $1700 loan for 5 years to construct a church-manse on land purchased at 2118 Rownd Street for a future minister and a place to hold worship. The church-manse was dedicated on October 12, 1917.
  • The first minister was called in October 1917, Rev. Newton S. Methfessel, from the East Park Presbyterian Church of Waterloo. Salary assistance came from the Waterloo Presbytery.
  • The second minister was Rev. John C. Orth called from First Presbyterian Church of Cedar Falls. He served from April 1921 until April 1924.
  • In the fall of 1916, Elizabeth M. Edwards attended a meeting of the Waterloo Presbytery and reported the need for a Presbyterian Church in the community of Cedar Heights.
  • A Presbytery Commission met with the 30 petitioners in Cedar Heights at the school on October 27, 1916, and received their applications for charter membership and the new church, Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church, was formed. Articles of Incorporation were drawn up at that meeting. A rotation system of 3 elders was established at that time. The first 3 elders were: Henry Morgan, H.C. Moeller, and I. Percy Clark.
  • The first church services were held in members’ homes on Sunday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. with ministers from surrounding churches leading worship. When membership increased, the services were moved to the basement of Cedar Heights School. In the summer of 1917, a seminary student lead worship and services moved to 10:45 a.m. Sundays. Also the first Sunday School Superintendent was named, Mrs. James Edwards.
  • In 1922, the Cedar Heights School Board approached the church about buying the old schoolhouse located at the intersection of Rownd Street and Rainbow Drive. A down payment of $25 prevented others from acquiring the property, and in August 1922, the congregation purchased the building for $3000, and put the church-manse up for sale. Congregational membership at that time was 144, with 6 Elders and 3 Trustees.
  • Pews were purchased from a Waterloo church to make the school feel more “church-like”. And the school bell from the old Cedar Heights School was preserved and remains in the front entry of our church today.
  • The third minister was called from Marshalltown, Iowa. Rev. Dr. James A. Laurie, his wife, and 4 children came to Cedar Heights in June 1924. Dr. Laurie served the church through December 1936 when he was called to the Presbyterian Church at State Center, Iowa. Under his leadership, the church grew and new programs were started especially for children. A youth band was started.